Suzanne Fells Branding Photography

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How to get the quality visuals that you need right now to grow your business! 

Monthly payments help you budget.

100- 150 final images per shoot, an incredible amount of variety to breathe colour into everything you write!

Available to any kind of business entrepreneur; highly successful and established or just starting out.

Have those premier level images now and start doubling your impact online.

Retainers are shoot- enricheners!

The second shoot can only get even BETTER!!

Not only do you pay more easily, my monthly retainers provide the opportunity of a second shoot within your price. This means we shoot within the first six-month period and then again in months 7-12.

The second branding shoot provides an opportunity to:-

  • Build on the first - more photos makes your image bank even richer!

  • Develop - your first set helps you start your visual journey. The second helps you establish a clear direction.

  • Content -start using your visual content, will highlight usage. Certain image types might become more relevant. We can make more of those images you use the most, on shoot two.

  • More photos for paying easier -retainers give you so many more images overall and the way to pay lightens the monthly lo#brandingphotography monthly retainers for business coaches, life coaches, pharma-brands, agricultural consultants, business leaders, is this you?

Your competitors are NOT showing up in photos...YET... gives you an incredible angle and advantage on your socials every week.

Back on the Farm again…

Near the Welsh border (enough nav. info divulged). Loving this image made of Helen backdropped by harvest-ready biomass crop.


8ft golden canes reaching to the sky.

100 acres of them.

All waiting to be harvested now the brutal cold of deepest winter has passed, followed by ground that's too wet to drive on.

And this time we go IN!

Into the heart of it.

I love that we are totally immersed in Helen's harvest.

Immersed in the ethos of who she is.

Miscanthus is grown as a commercial biomass energy crop for heat and electricity generation as it emits significantly less CO₂ than fossil fuels.

Helen is a tactical marketing and implementation professional focused on sustainability.

It makes sense that we shoot Helen at the heart of her universe.

We did this, twice in a year.

That's the beauty of a monthly retainer.

Monthly payments over 12 months, keeps budgets healthy.

Provides my client base with TWO shoots a year.

Why, two shoots?

In Helen's case, it is a perfect opportunity to capture the charisma of her crops over a working year, summer and winter harvest. To watch a transformation, new fecund growth through to brittle husk like canes at harvest time.

(Miscanthus is cut in Winter).

Two opportunities to make highly bespoke marketing visuals that no-one else will have.

There is very little quality image making around Miscanthus farming.

Most of the images I have seen are quite unremarkable and trust me, I have researched this, as I do all my clients.

  • Two significantly different image portfolios over two different parts of the year.

  • 100 final images on each shoot = 200 over a year.

  • Easier payments.

  • Hugely more variety and image use can be more arresting when mixed from both shoot portfolios.

  • Suits ANY BUSINESS with 'people' - that's pretty much everyone.

  • Enough impact for potentially 18 months - 2 years worth of quality professional image use, enough to post twice a week over a year if you want.

  • Greater rotation rate (rest and repeat use)

  • Richer image capture on shoot 2 as we know each other and connect better.

Chances are…

You’re a fantastic business leader but are struggling to connect online. You know you want to make more impact and truly make a difference but aren’t sure how…

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